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Wychwood pupils go to Cheadle Hulme MUN

Posted: 11th October 2021

For the first time in over 18 months a group of Wychwood pupils took part in an in-person Model United Nations conference at Cheadle Hulme School near Manchester. Eight pupils travelled by train with Dr Donald and Mr Siantonas on Friday evening (8 October) and we all stayed at the Premier Inn in Cheadle Hulme. We went by taxi to and from the school where all had a great time.

For the first time we had sixth formers as part of the party. Mind you most of them are old hands as they have grown up attending MUN conferences since they were in Inters! Two of these- Bex Smith and Azahara Fitzgerald – took on important roles as guest chairs in the Human Rights Committee and the Youth Committee respectively. They had to make sure the committees ran smoothly, encourage all members of the committee to speak and keep everyone in order! The other pupils represented Bangladesh and they took a full part in their committees, moving amendments, making points of information and voting on the resolutions. Topics covered included racism, compulsory vaccination for children, harvesting of human organs, plastics in the sea and the right to the freedom of speech.  Carolina Duarte in the UTs was on the Historical Council where she discussed the Treaty of Versailles, the Iron Curtain and the Vietnam War so well she was awarded Best Young Delegate! Other commended delegates are Olivia Pasley and Maddie Astley. As well as taking part in the debates, the pupils met many new people, broadened their horizons and had a great time! There are several MUN conferences coming up in Tudor Hall School near Banbury and Magdalen College School here in Oxford. Anyone interested should come to the MUN club during first prep on Thursdays.