Senior Youth Speaks at the North Oxford Rotary Club
Posted: 7th March 2018
Our Senior Youth Speaks team, Anais, Ella and Georgie, spent a very enjoyable lunchtime at the North Oxford Rotary Club today, and were able to use the experience as something of a dress rehearsal for tomorrow’s District final at Marlow. Grateful thanks to David Bloch, President of the club, whose patience in finding a convenient date amongst the very busy schedules of these young women, was much appreciated. As ever, Rotary changes life experiences and hopefully the girls will do the Rotary clubs of Oxford, and especially North Oxford Rotary, as well as Wychwood, proud tomorrow. The charity Sisters for Change must be thrilled by the exposure Anais is able to bring to their cause for marginalised women around the globe. ‘Our Voices for Their Voices’! Many thanks, Rotary, and good luck girls.