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Make it Real Game

Posted: 8th July 2017

In the Make it Real game on 22nd June, our Remove girls had a very active day learning new experiences, mostly in small groups, in a simulated community. They assumed life/work roles and worked together in their roles functioning as working people in their community.

The girls started the day with The Human Knot challenge – a little messy but fun was had by all and it was a good way to loosen up! They carried on to create and name their town ‘Raindrop Valley’ – all shown on an enormous map on the wall. They had to make key decisions about lifestyle choices and stay within their nominal budget. This was difficult as they soon found out that there is a difference between what you want and what you need!

To develop their team building skills working in groups they attempted to create a spaghetti and marshmallow tower. Their team skills were excellent but their construction skills left a lot to be desired and their final towers could only be described as ‘interesting’!

The afternoon was spent in their newly formed advertising companies creating persuasive advertising campaigns that were presented to the class.

This is what they had to say at the end of the day;

‘I realised that I am already on my career journey’

‘I learnt that marketing really can make a difference’

‘I learnt about logos and why they are important’

‘I learnt that there is a difference between a job and an occupation – I thought they were the same, but now I know’ 

‘I learnt that working in a team makes things easier’

‘I learnt that you need to work to a deadline, but it is hard’

‘To do a good presentation as a team you need to be able to negotiate’

‘I had a glimpse of adult life’

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