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ISI Inspection 2018

Posted: 23rd January 2019

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) described Wychwood as ‘Excellent’, the highest possible rating, in its inspection report published earlier this month which praised pupils’ academic achievement and excellent personal development.

The three day inspection took place in November and focused on standards and two key outcomes: academic achievement and personal development. Inspectors observed every aspect of school life including lessons, assemblies, boarding and extra-curricular activities. They also spoke to pupils, parents and staff from across the school about all aspects of life at Wychwood.

The key findings of the report perfectly sum up Wychwood and are a testament to the high calibre of teaching and pastoral support that pupils receive.

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is Excellent.

Highlights the ISI picked out:

  • Throughout the school, pupils engage effectively with peers from different backgrounds and all pupils show an in-depth understanding of the different backgrounds and cultures that are part of the school’s unique global community
  • The pupils’ self-esteem is carefully nurtured and strengthened
  • Boarding helps pupils to be more independent and confident
  • As pupils progress through the school they readily take risks in their work in order to challenge themselves and improve
  • Pupils demonstrate their strong spiritual understanding in form time discussions and are able to listen to the views of others through the well planned themed approach to weekly assemblies
  • All pupils develop a strong appreciation of the spiritual values of others and the need to be respectful of these
  • Elected councillors, along with the whole school council form part of the school’s strong democratic tradition and its excellent work is fully endorsed by school leaders and governors

Key Findings of the report:

  • The pupils’ self-confidence is high due to the excellent caring, nurturing environment, which pervades the whole school
  • The boarding pupils have great respect for and tolerance of one another’s cultures
  • The pupils’ have a highly developed moral and spiritual understanding which leads to the great support given to those in need

The quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements is Good.

Highlights the ISI picked out:

  • Pupils say that their teachers encourage them to take risks and in doing so challenge them to reach higher standards
  • The pupils attainment at A Level is above the national average
  • Pupils progress at a good rate because their teachers know their individual needs well
  • All parents who responded to the pre-inspection questionnaire agreed that the school helped their child develop skills for the future
  • Pupils’ communication skills develop rapidly
  • Younger pupils have developed good organisational skills through the bespoke programme of study skills
  • More able pupils develop their knowledge, skill and understanding through participation in extra-curricular clubs which purposely provide stretch and challenge through specially planned learning activities

Key Findings

  • The pupils make good progress due to the strong working relationship with their teachers
  • The pupils have good quality speaking and listening skills
  • The pupils collaborate well to support one another’s learning

The school meets all standards relating to Education regulations and National Minimum Standards for Boarding.

Head, Mrs Andrea Johnson, commented: “We are delighted to have independent validation and verification of the work we all do at Wychwood. ISI makes it clear that the education at Wychwood, using the word in its broadest sense, is unique, very effective and tailored to promote the success of individuals. We are absolutely thrilled to have received such a tremendous endorsement. I would like to thank all our staff, pupils and parents for their contributions to the success of the school and their support prior to and during the inspection.”

The full report can be downloaded here or from the ISI’s own website.