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Inters Fiver Challenge

Posted: 7th July 2017

In the week of the 19th-23rd June the Inters were set the challenge of making as much profit as possible from an initial investment of £5. They have astounded us with their entrepreneurial, creativity and teamwork skills.

Four companies competed against each other to see who could generate the greatest interest and ultimately make the most profit. The Googley Eyes, Craftastic, Phonuts and De Fotos planned, marketed and executed their business plans with efficiency and drive. The Googley Eyes were the worthy winners making a fantastic profit of £63.80! All companies worked hard and the final donation to charity is £195.41!

Based on their success in the Inters Mrs Troth and Mrs Stephenson are excited to see what they will achieve in Study I when they form a young enterprise company, they think investors will be queuing up!

The Inters offer the following advice for any ‘would be’ entrepreneurs:

• Sell what people want

• Don’t give credit

• Check your finances regularly

• Promotion strategies are key

• Have a strict pricing strategies

• Have a catchy name

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