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Importance of Being Earnest

Posted: 7th March 2018


As confirmed Bunburyists, prospective A Level and current A Level literature pupils ventured to the theatre Royal, Winchester for a performance of Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’.  ‘When in town one amuses oneself’, a break from the tedium of entertaining others in the country!

We are pleased to report that the vegan packed supper contained very genuine cucumber sandwiches, and whilst the light refreshment was not taken at the customary time for ‘good society’ – 5 o’clock, the private party in the circle bar that was occurring on arrival demonstrated ‘some of the worst excesses of the French revolution’, so we were happy to eat at 7pm!

The play was so engaging that even though we had all travelled with our private diaries – ‘one should always have something sensational to read ‘ – we didn’t need them!  We were delighted that the girls were seen for ‘the gentleness of their dispositions and their extraordinary sweetness of nature’ throughout the trip, even when both teachers lost satellite connection to Sat Navs on the way out from the car park – clearly this was situated on the unfashionable side of the street!

We admit to lose one satellite connection may be regarded as misfortune; to lose both looked liked carelessness, but all girls were returned safely, aware, possibly for the first time in their lives of ‘the vital Importance of being Earnest’!

Ms Sherlock