Hampton Court Trip
Posted: 8th June 2019
On 6th June the Remove, Inters and LTs set off to go to Hampton Court Palace, London. As soon as we arrived, we marvelled at the historic stretch of Tudor architecture and beautiful gardens. After a short break to admire Henry VIII’s armour and sitting on the grass surrounded by roses, we split into two groups and whilst one group explored the palace kitchens and royal apartments, the other group explored the religious roller-coaster of Tudor religion. We learnt about how England’s religion “flip-flopped”, as described by our guide, Dan, between Catholicism and Protestantism and then uncovered the truth behind the Elizabethan crisis and discussed arguments for and against who should have become monarch after Elizabeth’s expected death as she fell dangerously ill from small pox.
During the tour, we got a good understanding of how much food Henry ate. In the kitchens, we stood by a roaring fire and watched Alishba re-enact history by turning the spit. Next, we enjoyed a performance of Henry VIII telling the story of his wives, their lives and their secrets. Before leaving, we explored the beautiful fountain gardens. Overall it was a fantastic trip and a great day out.
Azahara Fitzgerald, LTs