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Form Plays

Posted: 26th March 2019

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Friday 1st March saw everyone in the school head to the Hall with a mixture of excitement and anticipation as we watch the Form Plays. It is one of the most exciting dates in the school calendar and this year former student Epi Howard, who was part of the Council who set up Form Plays, was head judge. As usual, after the title Wrong Time, Wrong Place, had been announced the girls spent three weeks writing, directing and rehearsing, organising costumes, props, and lighting.

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We could all agree that this year, we were in the right place at the right time as every form delivered a performance to be proud of. There was time travel, romance, Shakespeare, mysteries and murders, fairytales and even Donald Trump.

Epi had some tough calls to make but after much deliberation, UTCC won best costumes, Georgie won best actress, UTLJ won best script and the Lower Transits won best Form Play!

What an afternoon we had. All girls in the school were involved in the production and performance of the nine plays, it is safe to say they enjoyed it as much as the audience!