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Wychwood springs into action after the half term break

23rd February 2018

Img 0241Half term came very quickly and then seemed to stretch for an age which was really enjoyable – I hope you all had an enjoyable time. We put the quiet time in school to good use, ensuring that the documentation for inspection is all up-to-date. The week before half term marked six years since our last full inspection which is usually the trigger for the next one. When the call comes we will send out the parents’ and pupils’ questionnaires and I would be really grateful if as many of you as possible complete and return them as that helps the inspectors so much in getting an understanding of the school. Compared to the last inspection there is a much reduced window for this – the call should come on the Monday morning and the questionnaire window will close on the Tuesday evening.

The first week after the break opened with the Study Skills Forum for Study II just as they have come to the end of many of the specifications and are launching into revision, polishing examination technique and examination practice to prepare them for the A Levels in June. Looking around the school the effect of having the lovely Emma, our part time gardener who has been with us since October, is very apparent with tidy flower beds, very few weeds and spring bulbs poking their heads through the soil all over the place. I just hope the ‘big freeze’ predicted for next week does not take out any of the more tender new planting. We are all looking forward to the Form Plays on the subject of Remember that time when…? which will happen this afternoon adjudicated by former Wychwood pupil Ella Ashdown.

The Friends of Wychwood (FoW) also met this week and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee for their immense dedication to the school over the past three years. FoW is our parents’ organisation and the committee have been outstandingly energetic and positive in support of the school. I turn to FoW for funding for items which are not essential but which are very desirable and they have recently funded the redecoration of the Study area, the new CCTV cameras to improve the girls’ security and the purchase of 10 iPads for use across the school although, as the bid was put in by the science department, I suspect we will see most use there. FOW also supports girls who have difficulty finding funding for those extra items like Form bonding weekends and other extra-curricular excursions and the Study Ball is a beneficiary of their generosity every year. You all see and support the wonderful Christmas Fair they put on each year and at the beginning of next term there will be a team quiz and curry evening on the Saturday night of Open Morning – 21st April. Girls are most welcome to stay at school on Saturday afternoon after Open Morning (I can just see them all streaming into Oxford to go shopping) and you can come and join them for the quiz and curry in the evening. We are happy to have teams of all complexions – family teams, girls’ teams or mixed family and friends teams and please can there be between 6 and 10 people per team. Teenagers are marvellous at these as they can all do the pop and Netflix questions! The last time we had such a quiz, in 2013, the entire hall was packed and there was a wonderful atmosphere so please do all come. As with last time all boarders will join in and all profits go to the school. At the FoW meeting last week we were discussing how to encourage attendance and the suggestion was made that we put the cost of an adult ticket (£15 to include supper) and a child’s ticket (£10 to include supper) on everyone’s school account this term.  If you want more tickets to make up a family and friends team, please let us know via – if you want to opt out, then that is fine as well. Please let us know before the end of term on the same email address. We will not be supplying alcohol as we would then have to buy a licence but we will supply bottle openers and cork screws if you want to bring your own!

Andrea Johnson, Headmistress