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Virtue: Hope

2nd December 2021

HOM: Responding with wonderment and awe


‘Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.’
(Desmond Tutu)


Desmond Tutu author of the quotation this week, really is one of the greats and someone whom I had the privilege to hear speak in Oxford some years ago. I attended with my then A-level students and for the first five minutes before he even spoke, he was welcomed with a standing ovation. Here was a person who truly lit up the room by his mere presence and there are few people alive about whom that can be said. There is something about Bishop Desmond Tutu that is the embodiment of hope as well as someone who speaks words of hope.

It was Tutu who after the dismantling of apartheid in South Africa, was made chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). To address the divisions caused by human rights abuses during the regime, the TRC set about the process of reconciliation in the African spirit of ubantu (meaning humanity , sometimes translated as ‘I am because you are’) and the Christian spirit of forgiveness. The committee heard the voices of those previously silenced and so began the healing of the ‘rainbow nation’. Despite the darkness of the times the light of hope was visible.

As Christians begin to light their advent candles and as Jewish families have lit their Chanukiah’s over the past week, we are reminded of the power of light as a symbol of hope in this darkest time of the year. A light enables us to see the way forward, brings comfort when we may feel afraid and illuminates both the good and bad, calling forth the need for change. Fundamentally it symbolises hope and for Christians hope comes in an embodied form, as Jesus Christ. It also continues to be an embodied reality in the work of those like Desmond Tutu, who act for justice and reconciliation and in all those who seek to alleviate poverty and suffering. As Tutu says ‘hope is being able to see that there is a light despite all the darkness’.


Christine Crossley

Blog Monday 6th December