Covid Update
18th September 2020
Parents are already aware of the steps we have put in place to ensure the safe running of Wychwood but I thought I would let you know where we are at the moment: on a really happy note for the girls’ mental health, we are able to run a complete timetable with only external trips being adversely affected. We can see the girls thriving on this and it is noticeable how very positive the girls’ attitudes are towards being in school and how much more they appreciate everything they have available to them, compared to this time last year. Lockdown has taught them many valuable lessons about priorities. However, as expected with the loosening of lockdown in late August, followed by the return of children to school and now the return of students to universities, the number of cases of covid19 are rising especially in university cities like Oxford. Our small community remains covid19-clear and everyone is behaving with a real sense of responsibility and care for others and I am very proud of them all.
We are open for all girls, teaching a full timetable. Some of our girls are concurrent learners, working alongside us on Teams. Prep and clubs have started and are well attended and the girls are loving them. We have had almost complete attendance again this week – well done everyone!
As you know, if two of our community test positive for covid19 we will need to close the school and self-isolate for 14 days. Day girls and weekly boarders will be sent home to work from home. Online lessons based on the Remote Learning Folder will begin the day after closure and will continue on school days during the period of self-isolation. Boarders will remain in the safety of Wychwood and no one at any stage in the school will be allowed out. All visits from guardians will need to be undertaken virtually please. At Wychwood, girls will have lessons in separate rooms to allow them to self-isolate and the dining room will be used with one girl to a table. All the events involving external visitors to Wychwood such as the visit of the Poet Laureate and the October Open day are being suspended at present in order to keep the girls safe. We are discouraging any visits to Oxford or elsewhere for shopping and advising the girls to order online. We are reading the guidance from the government and the World Health Organisation daily and noting and implementing changes as they arrive with us. We keep a very close eye on the Oxford Alert status and any guidance that flows from that. Please be assured our absolute priority is the health of your daughters.
As always, thank you for your support of Wychwood and I look forward to the day when we can see you all in person again.
Andrea Johnson